Sunday, June 25, 2006

Beneath the Planet of the Batons

I think the baton twirling is only the half of it in Sharon Ott's past. When she got up to help us stage the "fashion show" in Act Two, I was sure that she had runway experience as a girl. I want to start an irresponsible blog rumor that she was a former Miss Teen Milwaukee who twirled during the talent segment of the pageant.

My costume fittings are almost too fantastic to blog, as I'm afraid they are a dream and if I acknowledge them in print, I will be punished and what was real will have ben but fantasy: la vida es suena, you know? When I go into the costume shop for fittings, everywhere I look are pieces of Foppington's costumes. Its like they've sent all the other characters' frocks off to Saipan. Its Novelty Fashion Heaven.


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