Friday, June 16, 2006

The Twirling Pisces

Sharon Ott can twirl batons! Who knew? A majorette with the same birthday as Liz Taylor. How fabulous is that? She's so smart, describing the play as living somewhere between light opera and opera buffo. But more urgently: my costume: Anna Oliver came running through the green room with some fabric that triggered a Proustian moment wherein I remembered the upholostery on an Arctic Cat snowmobile, Fargo, North Dakota, circa 1969. And then you should see the fabric for my cuffs in Act One: butterflies: in my stomach and on the sleeves. I looked up and saw Elijah Alexander who plays Loveless tied down with big thick ropes to the four posters of a bed while Ron Campbell read really flowery heterosexual porn to him. What a killer gig.


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